"Sometimes the littlest things take up the most room in your heart." Winnie the Pooh
Propping on Forearms:
Place your baby on her tummy on your chest while you are sitting upright. You can help her get her elbows under her shoulders so she can push up. Talk or sing to her to encourage her to lift her head up to look at you. When she is able to do this with you sitting in an upright position, you can make this more challenging by gradually leaning backward to a more flat lying down position.
This activity addresses the following developmental skills: propping on forearms, neck extension, vision, social emotional attachment
Activity Shared By:
Deirdre Newcomer OTR/L
Deirdre has been practicing Occupational Therapy with children since 1995. Her favorite part of the job is helping families recognize and celebrate their children's successes. She enjoys working with children with a variety of developmental delays and has a special interest in infants and toddlers with visual impairments.
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